"What if the Storm Ends" Original Painting
36” x 36” Acrylic Painting on Canvas. Two-inch-thick gallery wrapped canvas; sides painted black.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
In the past year, my life has undergone significant changes. Amidst all the transitions and uncertainties, one constant source of pure joy and tranquility for me remains: painting in my studio. This particular artwork serves as a poignant reminder to continuously challenge my artistic boundaries and embrace authenticity in all aspects of my life. It symbolizes the unwavering refuge and fulfillment I find in the creative process, urging me to persist in my journey as an artist.
36” x 36” Acrylic Painting on Canvas. Two-inch-thick gallery wrapped canvas; sides painted black.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
In the past year, my life has undergone significant changes. Amidst all the transitions and uncertainties, one constant source of pure joy and tranquility for me remains: painting in my studio. This particular artwork serves as a poignant reminder to continuously challenge my artistic boundaries and embrace authenticity in all aspects of my life. It symbolizes the unwavering refuge and fulfillment I find in the creative process, urging me to persist in my journey as an artist.
36” x 36” Acrylic Painting on Canvas. Two-inch-thick gallery wrapped canvas; sides painted black.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
In the past year, my life has undergone significant changes. Amidst all the transitions and uncertainties, one constant source of pure joy and tranquility for me remains: painting in my studio. This particular artwork serves as a poignant reminder to continuously challenge my artistic boundaries and embrace authenticity in all aspects of my life. It symbolizes the unwavering refuge and fulfillment I find in the creative process, urging me to persist in my journey as an artist.