"Dragon Wine" Original Painting
11” x 14” Acrylic on Canvas.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
This dragonfly has taken a solemn vow to safeguard the Pearl of Reflections, a mystical gem capable of granting metamorphosis to any living being. In my world, animals harness its power to transform into creatures of their choosing, empowering them to defend against human encroachment. The wine glass symbolizes elegance and refinement, adding a touch of sophistication to the piece.
11” x 14” Acrylic on Canvas.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
This dragonfly has taken a solemn vow to safeguard the Pearl of Reflections, a mystical gem capable of granting metamorphosis to any living being. In my world, animals harness its power to transform into creatures of their choosing, empowering them to defend against human encroachment. The wine glass symbolizes elegance and refinement, adding a touch of sophistication to the piece.
11” x 14” Acrylic on Canvas.
Explore the painting in detail by clicking here to view a high-resolution image. Zoom in to discover the intricate details of the artwork.
This dragonfly has taken a solemn vow to safeguard the Pearl of Reflections, a mystical gem capable of granting metamorphosis to any living being. In my world, animals harness its power to transform into creatures of their choosing, empowering them to defend against human encroachment. The wine glass symbolizes elegance and refinement, adding a touch of sophistication to the piece.